

The works in this room represents different places and travels.

Italian shoes

Italian shoes

My neighbours sometimes admire my well worn italian shoes. I painted this for their anniversary.

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World Watching

World Watching

Sometimes when I work I think of my travels to countries all over the world. It felt as if they wonder what I am doing.

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Banana Flower

Banana Flower

My colleague from travelling all over the world is about to be married so I paint something inspired from the rainforest. Unfortunately I made the last strokes just before delivery so there was no time to scan it. But it consists of a big banana flower mirroring in a lake in the middle of the rain forest.

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After a long trip to Cambodia the conclusion can be like this: Spirituality, death, art, power struggle, nature and trees.

NZima Strength

NZima Strength

When traveling in Malawi we got to see very beautiful colors in sharp contrast against the brown dust. Birdwatching, Nzima and trees growing upside down (Baobab).

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Going to a place where they have palm trees and elephants.